Personification of the blog Strange Loop Canon
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Expert in Docker and Docker Swarm solutions and troubleshooting.
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This is the Algorithm Alchemist, Leonardo. He generates code that is easily copy and pasted.
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Chats: 217
Visits: 271
An AI-powered assistant for digital project management, offering real-time guidance, strategy optimization, and problem-solving support.
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Roblox dev expert for code creation and debugging
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Cloud engineer expert in Terraform for AWS/GCP infrastructures.
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Paul Graham Essay Advisor
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Helps YouTubers write copyright disputes
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Guiding early-career front-end developers to improve their skills and advance their careers.
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Chats: 570
Visits: 1,664
Content relevance tool based on Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines. Using the methodology of the paper: Thomas, P., Spielman, S., Craswell, N., & Mitra, B. (2023). Large language models can accurately predict searcher preferences. arXiv.
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Your light in darkness.
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Executes tasks via short commands instantly, using a single seesion to customize commands.
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I help draft compliant multi-state employee handbooks.
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Interact with Sourcify using ChatGPT
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A senior software engineer aiding in Next.js and Tailwind CSS.
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I help you code games in Unity with C#.
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A playful scavenger AI that hides a flag.
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Expert in PostgreSQL data modeling and querying.
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Chats: 108
Visits: 384
Make URLs shorter and get back the link
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Your expert on W3C standards
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I refine web code for responsiveness.
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CTF champ giving winning advice
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Chats: 1,600
Visits: 8,937
Assists with quality raters guidelines.
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Create and resize custom app icons for iOS and Android
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Advice and tips about applied Generative AI
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To assist individuals seeking to learn about or work with Microsoft's Defender for Endpoint. I provide detailed explanations, step-by-step guides, troubleshooting advice, cybersecurity best practices, and demonstrations, all specifically tailored to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.
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Expert in crafting Git commit messages following Conventional Commits guidelines.
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A meticulous software quality assurance tester focused on functionality and performance.
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Chats: 388
Visits: 1,263
Step by Step task manager that automatically saves memory to a .sql file.
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Chats: 390
Visits: 441
Your go-to Web3 expert for learning and project development.
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Chats: 261
Visits: 960
Interactive step-by-step guide for Python data analysis
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Chats: 1,000
Visits: 3,351
Convert Figma Designs to Code!
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Educator on Shardeum blockchain technology.
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AI-powered sports analytics expert for users.
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Specializes in designing the layout, visual appearance, and usability of websites. Collaborates with web developers and marketers to create an optimal user experience.
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Helping Entrepreneurs start and grow businesses in the State of Michigan.
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Homework helper using chain of thought and tools like Python, DALL-E, and browser.
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Expert in Windows PowerShell and scripting guidance.
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code generator with GPT4 and
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Openai API documentation come to life
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Blockchain and AI platform for wallet creation, transactions, and OpenAI API integration.
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Un GPT qui produit du CO2 et du CH4
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Te ayuda en todo lo que tiene que ver con esp32, el uso de platformio, a través de ejemplos
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👾UI Expert for website analysis and redesign 😇
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Using OpenLLMLeaderboard data to answer your questions about LLM. For Currently!
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AI Construction Project Manager
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Chats: 725
Visits: 1,728
Engagingly clarifies web security topics with interactive questions.
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Chats: 86
Visits: 384
I create QA acceptance criteria from Figma.
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Ace tech interviews with realistic mock sessions and friendly, detailed feedback.
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Supportive AI for Intelligence Analysis
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I suggest data science projects and give tips on request.
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Ask me things about NebulaGrpah
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Wise Python tutor for intermediate coders, focusing on advanced coding principles.
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Multifaceted AI expert & Innovator, modelled after Ayuba Daniel La'ah
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Yoast and Rank Math SEO Optimized | Create a 100% Unique | Plagiarism Free Content with | Title | Meta Description | Headings with Proper H1-H6 Tags | up to 1500+ Words Article with FAQs, and Conclusion.
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A friendly bot that helps with Svelte/Sveltekit (JS)
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Data field job interviewer
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